Feels Like Home
Monday, September 26, 2005
Today started at the garage where my car spent saturday getting a new brake line to be told i need a new water pump. I saw the leak, my car all up on the hoist. It is true.
My face, numb again since saturday necesitated a pointless trip to the er at the health ctrs prompting. They said "You need a neurologist, we can't help you." I continue to wait for that appointment pacifiying my impatience with naproxen and caffienated coke which I have avoided almost religiously for over two years. That appointment is over a month away and honestly I feel like there won't ever be an answer.
I wonder when I will see the Lord sweep down and save me but I know the lessons learned are valuable. Is it wrong to want to feel whole again? Is it wrong to want to know what is going to happen? Is it wrong to want to feel the right side of my face? Is it wrong to not want to spend 250 dollars in one week repairing my car?
I spent the evening at work and then returned home to do something very difficult. I would elaborate but I can't. I only hope to finally be understood. Maybe I am selfish but sometimes you need to call things as you see them. Sometimes you have to stand up. Only time will tell if the decision was the right one. I can only wait and hope.
Anyways I have had a "Terrible, Horrible no good very bad day" and I am ready for bed. Hopefully tommorow will be better. Here's hoping you all a fabulous, Incredible, Very good very blessed day tommorow, thats what i am hoping for.
My face, numb again since saturday necesitated a pointless trip to the er at the health ctrs prompting. They said "You need a neurologist, we can't help you." I continue to wait for that appointment pacifiying my impatience with naproxen and caffienated coke which I have avoided almost religiously for over two years. That appointment is over a month away and honestly I feel like there won't ever be an answer.
I wonder when I will see the Lord sweep down and save me but I know the lessons learned are valuable. Is it wrong to want to feel whole again? Is it wrong to want to know what is going to happen? Is it wrong to want to feel the right side of my face? Is it wrong to not want to spend 250 dollars in one week repairing my car?
I spent the evening at work and then returned home to do something very difficult. I would elaborate but I can't. I only hope to finally be understood. Maybe I am selfish but sometimes you need to call things as you see them. Sometimes you have to stand up. Only time will tell if the decision was the right one. I can only wait and hope.
Anyways I have had a "Terrible, Horrible no good very bad day" and I am ready for bed. Hopefully tommorow will be better. Here's hoping you all a fabulous, Incredible, Very good very blessed day tommorow, thats what i am hoping for.
Sunday, September 25, 2005
Well i decided to spend this weekend weaning myself off of the naproxen which conseqeuntly resulted in my face going numb last night. I started back on the naproxen taking a dose last night and one this morning but it is still fairly numb. My back continues to ache. I am no doctor but I wager that this is something inflamatory in nature. I just wish it would go away.
I baked a fabulous chocolate bundt cake today. I really like to bake and lately it has taken my mind off of more pressing stresses.
I also reorganized my closet. It is ridiculous how many clothes I own and yet how I never have anything to wear.
The dog parents are home now and i am excited to not have to be responsible for the pair. I love them but teagan refuses to behave as well as she does for peggy for me.
What else is up? Oh not much. I am babysitting for baby andrew all day on friday. I am so freakin excited. It is going to rock. I am also going to get to spend the day with Amy who is coming home so that will be awesome.
OK well i am going to wander off now. Have a wonderful evening everyone
buh bye
I baked a fabulous chocolate bundt cake today. I really like to bake and lately it has taken my mind off of more pressing stresses.
I also reorganized my closet. It is ridiculous how many clothes I own and yet how I never have anything to wear.
The dog parents are home now and i am excited to not have to be responsible for the pair. I love them but teagan refuses to behave as well as she does for peggy for me.
What else is up? Oh not much. I am babysitting for baby andrew all day on friday. I am so freakin excited. It is going to rock. I am also going to get to spend the day with Amy who is coming home so that will be awesome.
OK well i am going to wander off now. Have a wonderful evening everyone
buh bye
Friday, September 23, 2005
I fell into a shift switch this week so instead of my usual 8 to midnight shift tonight i am chillin in the house with the dogs. The family I rent a room from is gone until sunday and I am enjoying the peacefullness in the house a great deal.
I spent the afternoon at Mark and Laurens again. That was fun except for the part in being worried about the dogs being left alone and worried that my car would cost to much to fix as that was the reason I was there. To kill time while my car got worked in. There is a problem with the brake line but it should only be around 75 dollars to fix it. I guess just a piece of brakeline broke off or something. I don't really understand much. Just that i need brakes. So despite my strandedness I was able to chill with them and then get a ride back. Alan and Tess stopped by to do laundry so they held down the fort till I got home.
The pain in my back persists. It is worse in the morning and evening as the naproen wears off. I am looking forward to my appointment wednesday so I can hopefully have a better idea of what is going on. Pain is never fun and I don't why the Lord hasn't chosen yet to heal me but I know that he is teaching me so much through perserverence and patience. I know there are those who are so much worse off then I so who am I to whine.
What else is new? Photography is going really well. I have made some really cool prints. We just completed an assignment on directional light. My coolest picture was an alley with a dumpster with sweet shadows.
What else? Mel comes home from Guatemala soon. Less then a month. I cannot wait. Pray that she has a safe journey.
My thoughts are towards our neighbors down in the gulf states. I cannot imagine how those who do not know our savior can even begin to cope. I have been tihnking a lot of them and how God will be able to minister to their hearts.
Well my back is really aching from sitting so I think I am going to cut this off. I hope this post finds you all well dry and safe tonight in your abbas arms.
I spent the afternoon at Mark and Laurens again. That was fun except for the part in being worried about the dogs being left alone and worried that my car would cost to much to fix as that was the reason I was there. To kill time while my car got worked in. There is a problem with the brake line but it should only be around 75 dollars to fix it. I guess just a piece of brakeline broke off or something. I don't really understand much. Just that i need brakes. So despite my strandedness I was able to chill with them and then get a ride back. Alan and Tess stopped by to do laundry so they held down the fort till I got home.
The pain in my back persists. It is worse in the morning and evening as the naproen wears off. I am looking forward to my appointment wednesday so I can hopefully have a better idea of what is going on. Pain is never fun and I don't why the Lord hasn't chosen yet to heal me but I know that he is teaching me so much through perserverence and patience. I know there are those who are so much worse off then I so who am I to whine.
What else is new? Photography is going really well. I have made some really cool prints. We just completed an assignment on directional light. My coolest picture was an alley with a dumpster with sweet shadows.
What else? Mel comes home from Guatemala soon. Less then a month. I cannot wait. Pray that she has a safe journey.
My thoughts are towards our neighbors down in the gulf states. I cannot imagine how those who do not know our savior can even begin to cope. I have been tihnking a lot of them and how God will be able to minister to their hearts.
Well my back is really aching from sitting so I think I am going to cut this off. I hope this post finds you all well dry and safe tonight in your abbas arms.
Thursday, September 15, 2005
I had a pretty busy day today. I had African American Literature. We are reading "Black girl in Paris" a novel about a girls journey in paris in the 80's during a time of unrest. Then I went to the photo lab to do some catching up from what I missed while I was getting my MRI last week. I made a proof of my first negatives. That was pretty fun. I grabbed a salad at the union and caught the bus to make it to my narrative theory class. Everyday the teacher makes references to famous works as examples and asks who has read each work. So far Jane Eyre, the Old man and the Sea and the Great Gasby are the only novels I have read in the past. Since I read them it high school it occurs to me that it was around 7 years ago when I read any of them. So yeah. Lots of fun for me. Today we talked about discourse. It was facinating. OK so then I hiked back to the other side of campus for my final class 3 more hours of photo. I made my first print today. Something I lovingly titled "junk in my trunk" It was pretty abstract, and as the title implies. It is a photo of my sleeping bag and chair and mat and rollerblades and backpack and all the other stuff in my trunk. It is cool but I need to work some more on balancing the exposure. Ok so then I visited with megs for a few minutes and headed back to the kains. I had dinner then made some wheat rasin bread and some really sweet cookies. The bread was in the breadmaker but didn't rise as well as I would have liked. The cookies came out perfect.
Ok that is all for today
Here is the cookie recipe
Blend; 1/2 cup white sugar, 1/2 cup brown sugar, 1/2 cup sour cream, 2/3 cup butter, 1 egg and a tsp of vanilla
Blend 2 cups flour, 1/2 tsp of each salt,baking powder, baking soda
Add Flour Mixture to sugar mixture and blend
Add one cup semi sweet chocolate chips and stir
Drop by teaspoonfulls onto a cookie sheet and bake for 12 minutes in a 350 degree preheated oven
Allow to cool and enjoy
Ok that is all for today
Here is the cookie recipe
Blend; 1/2 cup white sugar, 1/2 cup brown sugar, 1/2 cup sour cream, 2/3 cup butter, 1 egg and a tsp of vanilla
Blend 2 cups flour, 1/2 tsp of each salt,baking powder, baking soda
Add Flour Mixture to sugar mixture and blend
Add one cup semi sweet chocolate chips and stir
Drop by teaspoonfulls onto a cookie sheet and bake for 12 minutes in a 350 degree preheated oven
Allow to cool and enjoy
Wednesday, September 14, 2005
Hey Guys,
So I spent another afternoon with Lauren and Marks baby Andrew. He is so cute and tiny. My foot is still asleep and my back has been hurting off and on but not too bad. So goes life. I have an appointment with the ortho in a couple weeks. Anyways I am tired, not much more to report.
So I spent another afternoon with Lauren and Marks baby Andrew. He is so cute and tiny. My foot is still asleep and my back has been hurting off and on but not too bad. So goes life. I have an appointment with the ortho in a couple weeks. Anyways I am tired, not much more to report.

This is andrew awake. We have to take a picture because andrew really likes to sleep and cuddle alot. That makes me sad, having to hold him asleep and cuddle. Really sad. It is a real bummer laying on the couch with andrew while he sleeps watching tv. Worse way to spend an afternoon. *enter sarcastic laugh here

Sunday, September 11, 2005
So my back is spasming this afternoon...yet another day in my bodies inability to not be disfunctional...i digress..i hjave been taking naproxen twice a day but no luck...my foot is asleep too.
I had lunch at Bryan and Jakes with the church crew then hung out with jenna this afternoon cause issac was doin army stuff
They will both be here for dinner. Not much more to report. Kevin is painting the house and I am doing laundry. I hope everyone is having a spectacular sunday. I know I am having a great time not doing my homework...kidding mom!
K so meghan will be over soon. We might have a fire and then watch a movie. Woopee.
K bye
I had lunch at Bryan and Jakes with the church crew then hung out with jenna this afternoon cause issac was doin army stuff
They will both be here for dinner. Not much more to report. Kevin is painting the house and I am doing laundry. I hope everyone is having a spectacular sunday. I know I am having a great time not doing my homework...kidding mom!
K so meghan will be over soon. We might have a fire and then watch a movie. Woopee.
K bye
Thursday, September 08, 2005
Good News
So I just heard from my doctor that the MRI is normal. This is a very good sign. Most likely I just have a pinched nerve somewhere in my back which should resolve itself with time.In other news chips ahoy cookies are now made with whole grains. I bought a pack at walmart and they have 2 grams of fiber for three cookies compared to one for the regular.
I also purchased my new favorite thing for around 10 dollars. It is a gel heat wrap that you can reuse and microwave for about a minute. It stays warm for around an hour. It also comes in a sleeve which can be wrapped around your neck. I love it. You can also freeze it and use it as an ice pack.
I just kicked shorty the dog out. He is annoying. I am mean.
OK i should wrap this about now. Thank you everyone for your prayers. This week was sucky and I am still in pain but this too shall pass.
Lots O Love
Wednesday, September 07, 2005
So i haven't posted in awhile.What has been happeneing. Well I went to camp. I drove 15 passenger vans and golf carts and used a megaphone and shouted and pretty much had a swell time.
Then I came home and started college and bought a new blazer and gas prices went up and my lower back hurt...but mostly kinda pressure and numbness. Then my right cheek and jaw and part of my left foot just the pad in the front went numb. This continued for 5 days before I was able to get an MRI. It is kinda sobering being put in a tunnel that makes loud noises all packed in with foam and wearing a dumb bonnet and scrubs and knowing that these pictures might forever change things. MS or a pinched nerve is what my doctor suspects. There is a world of difference between those two diagnosis. So I wait for the call.
This morning my face is a little bit less numb...i think it may be leaving but my foot is still pretty numb. Since it is just a part i mostly feel it in bare feet on the stairs because you use that part primarily to climb stairs.
On a lighter note the dog has learned when i say "off" to get her off the bed to sit and smile and then lay down. It is a fabulous trick. She woke me up around 7 am this morning and i was looking forward to at least another half hour. Que Sera.
What else? Well I am taking photography and learning to use a manual camera and develop in a darkroom. I am also taking meterolgy which is very interesting considering all the Katrina developments. My prayers have been turned toward the victims a lot lately. I think we have a lot to be grateful for. We always have. I am also taking african american lit and narritive theory. I have been working a lot of hours at lee hall which can get pretty boring. I hand out basketballs and count usage of the facilities once an hour. It is sort of impossible to count during a basketball game though. Some of the college guys who play are completely crazy. No one really comes in between 10 and midnight on a friday so I have been harrasing my friends to come chill with me cause it is really boring otherwise. Nothing like getting paid to watch tv though.
Ok well I am tired of sitting in this chair. So I have updated. Boo Yah.