Monday, September 26, 2005

Today started at the garage where my car spent saturday getting a new brake line to be told i need a new water pump. I saw the leak, my car all up on the hoist. It is true.

My face, numb again since saturday necesitated a pointless trip to the er at the health ctrs prompting. They said "You need a neurologist, we can't help you." I continue to wait for that appointment pacifiying my impatience with naproxen and caffienated coke which I have avoided almost religiously for over two years. That appointment is over a month away and honestly I feel like there won't ever be an answer.
I wonder when I will see the Lord sweep down and save me but I know the lessons learned are valuable. Is it wrong to want to feel whole again? Is it wrong to want to know what is going to happen? Is it wrong to want to feel the right side of my face? Is it wrong to not want to spend 250 dollars in one week repairing my car?

I spent the evening at work and then returned home to do something very difficult. I would elaborate but I can't. I only hope to finally be understood. Maybe I am selfish but sometimes you need to call things as you see them. Sometimes you have to stand up. Only time will tell if the decision was the right one. I can only wait and hope.

Anyways I have had a "Terrible, Horrible no good very bad day" and I am ready for bed. Hopefully tommorow will be better. Here's hoping you all a fabulous, Incredible, Very good very blessed day tommorow, thats what i am hoping for.


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