Thursday, September 08, 2005

Good News

So I just heard from my doctor that the MRI is normal. This is a very good sign. Most likely I just have a pinched nerve somewhere in my back which should resolve itself with time.

In other news chips ahoy cookies are now made with whole grains. I bought a pack at walmart and they have 2 grams of fiber for three cookies compared to one for the regular.

I also purchased my new favorite thing for around 10 dollars. It is a gel heat wrap that you can reuse and microwave for about a minute. It stays warm for around an hour. It also comes in a sleeve which can be wrapped around your neck. I love it. You can also freeze it and use it as an ice pack.

I just kicked shorty the dog out. He is annoying. I am mean.

OK i should wrap this about now. Thank you everyone for your prayers. This week was sucky and I am still in pain but this too shall pass.

Lots O Love


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