Recently Djere and Jake and Bryan braved the fridgid lake Ontario waters to Baptise Bryan :)
Congrats Bryan
Walking in the water
Lake Ontario
Bryans Baptism
He likes me.... he really likes me.
Even the dog has more style then I do
Sleepy Head
Waiting for our table, those are whole roasted ducks behind us.
Uncooked Black Chicken for the Soup
Add the chicken to the pan
It's Tasty
Chicken Head
Ooohhh Scary
Chocolate Truffles
MMM Truffles
Monster Truck Cake
Real Men Wear Pink...Capes
Tyler and Lizzilla
Happy Birthday Tyler
Chicken Feet Chicken Head
Ok..So this weekend was amazing
I tried so many new foods and was immersed in Canada by so many different Asian cultures. It was so neat to try all kinds of new foods and see some that I avoided. I also had fun playing with Michelle and Daniel and my new Taiwanese friend two year old "weh-weh" or Jeremy. Before this weekend he could count in English but other then that spoke only mandarin. Michelle however has now left him with "I want it" "mine" and "water". From Jeremy I learned the phrase "She-Saw" which is wash hands and "coo coo" which is "Cry". We got to visit several Asian groceries. One was as big if not bigger then Wegmans. They have an entire soy sauce aisle. The instant noodle aisles is enormous. We also went to a small shop which sells steamed buns and frozen handmade dumplings and other yummy things. It was in this mall full of all Asian shops. I also ate out a lot, trying all sorts of new and strange foods and some less strange. I got to go to Nikkis moms church where the sermon was both in English and Cantonese. After church we had a big lunch. I am getting pretty good at eating with Chopsticks. Aya nikkis sister in law said I am better then uncle randy (nikkis brother) I don't believe her though. When we were in the one restaurant Michelle took the chicken head (cooked) and kept moving it and saying "Scary" and then laughing. I did not disagree with her.
incomplete list of foods I ate this weekend:
Fries with Poutine
Krispy Kreme Doughnut
Fried Turnip Cake
Fried octopus
Tofu Dumplings
Fried Bean Curd
Chinese broccoli
Sticky Rice in Lotus Leaf
Dragon Eye Fruit
Star Fruit
Things I was offered but refused:
American broccoli
Chicken Feet
Soup made with whole pieces of a black chicken including the head
Bitter Melon
I had a ton of fun but am totally exhausted and my throat is super sore. I had better go get ready for school.
Mark 13:10 And all the gospel must be preached to all nations
The Baby Chick and the Duckling
This will be a brief post..
We arrived in Toronto around midnight last night. We stopped at the Flying J truck stop half way here. The food was ok. I saw someone eating Fries with Gravy and Cheese. I knew I was in Canada. Upon Arriving we were greeted with Krispy Creams and Milk in a Bag out of a provincial flag mug.
I am posting from a kinkos downtown Toronto while Nikki renews her passport.
Toronto is good. Nikkis Nephew is 20 days older then michelle and only speaks chinese, michelle speaks english. We call them the baby chick and duckling, they look alike but cannot communicate. They have been fighting for Grandmas attention. "My AMA" " MY AMA"
Today we ate at a faboulous buffet. I am so full I could burst. I think I am going to gain like 20 pounds this weekend.
Ama (Grandma, Nikkis Mom) has been a very gracious host. I am sharing a room with a girl named Iris. She is from Taiwain and is here studying English. She called me her first American friend last night.
More to come later....
Do this in remembrance of me
Tonight I had the priveledge of fellowshipping, breaking bread and sharing communion with a small group gathered at Dee's house. It was cool. Equally as cool; getting to pray for people and being invited. I love meeting new people and feeling welcomed. I love it.
I just found my birth certificate, check that off the list of a billion things I need to do before I can leave for my trip tomorrow afternoon. I am excited and nervous about my trip. It will be sweet to have a little time away.
Luke 22 19+20 And he took the bread, gave thanks and broke it,and gave it to them saying, "This is my body given to you; do this in remembrance of me." In the same way, after the supper he took the cup saying, "This cup is the new covenant in my blood, which is poured out for you."
and I will give you ALL my worship
Last night was the first official worship team practice for all the newbies. I was a little nervous at first but it turned out being a great time of worship. I was blessed, God rocked through us.
In other news I think I am either getting a headcold or a sinus infections. Blaahhhhhh!!
This months weekends are filling up fast. This weekend is Toronto. The last weekend is the Freedom seminar and the Ballet. The first weekend in November is the Basic conference.
I hope all of you are having a great week. It is Wednesday which means I have only one class and it is my Laundry Day. So very exciting.
Your Ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, "This is the way; walk in it."-Isaiah 30:21 B
Canadian Bacon
Later this week I will be accompanying my Bosses wife..Well truthfully my boss :) Nicky to Toronto to visit with her mom and dad and help her with the little monkey and "Skippy". The little monkey (her mothers nickname not mine, although she literally hangs of everything like a little monkey and has great affection for yellow fruit) is going to be 2 on Saturday and of course this weekend if I am not mistaken is Canadian thanksgiving.
My new schedule since I dropped my Physics class leaves me with 4 classes on tue and 3 on thurs but MWF I only have math so I will be skipping both those classes and having a long weekend (Yay) The boy child and I will both be skipping Friday but he of course has Columbus day of unlike us who feel more strongly toward the Jewish New Year. I digress. Someone in my math class actually offered to scan her notes into an attachment and e-mail them to me and I am taking Fridays quiz tomorrow afternoon so I think I will leave this weekend intellectually intact.
What is most cool about hanging out with Nikkis family is that I will get to eat really yummy Taiwanese food. Secondly as cool is that Nikkis mom loves me. Whenever she would visit the island and I would be with the kids she would always say things like "you so good with them" "They so lucky have you" in addition to making the kids say thank you to me constantly for taking care of them. While I know I am no saint she has at many times cared for the kids and so she realizes the responsibility and she sees like most other casual observers that the children actually listen to me cause I don't put up with their crap. While their fathers no often means no unless you whine enough my no means nope, not in this lifetime, feel free to cry I will be ready to talk to you when you are about done, I set the boundaries because I love you and feel no need to be your best friend. A lot for a two letter word hey?
So yes I will be loving on the monkey and Daniel as much as is possible as they will be in the land of all spoil if you will. The land of spoil being most likely multiplied by a power of ten being that it is the monkeys second birthday. It will be fun too just to get away for a little bit to a foreign country (albeit Canada) even though the culture will be not really all that Canadian at all.
I have not written in like forever and I feel like so much has happened. Heather and I have been hanging out a ton and that has been fun. I went to the Elim dinner and worship Sunday night which was just an awesome time. I finally got my incomplete from my English class completed and turned in which just has been a great weight lifted.
Last Saturday we celebrated our new friend tylers birthday and that was fun. I went over there after going to this awesome juggling show with Jon on campus which was stinkin awesome. I didn't really expect much but the performers were super professional and they just did things I could barely keep up with my eyes and can't imagine how they train their hands to go so fast.
I also went apple picking last Saturday which was fun even though it rained. The night before Mel and I went with the parents shopping and I found some great clothes most of which were on sale or clearance . I got a pair of pants from j crew for 20 bucks which like never happens. That store is usually a look only; drool only, kinda place.
I got a essay test back in English today that I had sped through and thought I did horrible on finding I only lost two half points out of 15. Sometimes I feel that I slack too much and get away with far too much.
Speaking of slacking. The Sims. Need I say more. I am behind the times and purchased the older version but it has been keeping me plenty entertained, especially as I have now acquired the cheat code and have an endless supply of cash :)
Hmm....That is about it from my corner of the world. Hope this post finds all my friends, near and far, walking in the blessing...Peace.