Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Chicken Feet Chicken Head

Ok..So this weekend was amazing
I tried so many new foods and was immersed in Canada by so many different Asian cultures. It was so neat to try all kinds of new foods and see some that I avoided. I also had fun playing with Michelle and Daniel and my new Taiwanese friend two year old "weh-weh" or Jeremy. Before this weekend he could count in English but other then that spoke only mandarin. Michelle however has now left him with "I want it" "mine" and "water". From Jeremy I learned the phrase "She-Saw" which is wash hands and "coo coo" which is "Cry". We got to visit several Asian groceries. One was as big if not bigger then Wegmans. They have an entire soy sauce aisle. The instant noodle aisles is enormous. We also went to a small shop which sells steamed buns and frozen handmade dumplings and other yummy things. It was in this mall full of all Asian shops. I also ate out a lot, trying all sorts of new and strange foods and some less strange. I got to go to Nikkis moms church where the sermon was both in English and Cantonese. After church we had a big lunch. I am getting pretty good at eating with Chopsticks. Aya nikkis sister in law said I am better then uncle randy (nikkis brother) I don't believe her though. When we were in the one restaurant Michelle took the chicken head (cooked) and kept moving it and saying "Scary" and then laughing. I did not disagree with her.

incomplete list of foods I ate this weekend:
Fries with Poutine
Krispy Kreme Doughnut
Fried Turnip Cake
Fried octopus
Tofu Dumplings
Fried Bean Curd
Chinese broccoli
Sticky Rice in Lotus Leaf
Dragon Eye Fruit
Star Fruit

Things I was offered but refused:
American broccoli
Chicken Feet
Soup made with whole pieces of a black chicken including the head
Bitter Melon

I had a ton of fun but am totally exhausted and my throat is super sore. I had better go get ready for school.

Mark 13:10 And all the gospel must be preached to all nations


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