Daylight savings time

Why is an entire table of college educated individuals cannot grasp the concept of daylight savings time? Furthermore why would one of them suggest they needed to call their mom despite my best attempts to explain the simplicity of the concept? Well, because my friends are just that cool.
Last night in the marathon shift at intermurals and rec I had 4 visitors. I was only supposed to work 5-8 but picked up the 8 to midnight shift so that Mark will take my Friday night shift during the BASIC conference. So I recruited a whole bunch of girls to join me.
For those of you who don't know my job consists of manning a front desk checking that students who use the basketball gym, pool and racketball courts have id's. I also sign out equipment and make sure it is returned in good condition. I keep track of the number of people in the building counting once an hour. At the end of the night I check every room in the building including the mens locker room and 2 men's bathrooms. The Karate and Dance Studios on the third floor. I make sure all the windows are closed and all the toilets are flushed and all the showers are turned off. I lock up the doors, write up a "report" and call University Police to say that I have closed up the building.
Those jobs take up around 3 percent of my night. The rest of my night is usually spent clicking the channels on the Television and reading for my classes. Last night however I got to sing some Jennifer Knapp and my friends brought over their homework and we just chilled together. Meghan went out for late night dollar menu which was delicious and Florence accompanied me into the scary basement to check the men's locker room. She was eating smarties and looking all adorable. If it was going to be a horror movie waiting to happen that was the time. Cute girls in the basement go around the corner of the mass shower to find..............................Just kidding.
So I was glad for the company and it made me happy to remember all the ways that God has blessed me with friends who will be willing to spend their Saturday night just relaxing and keeping me company. Now I am just sitting here enjoying my extra hour and thinking about the way that God works in little ways and how truly blessed I am.
Until next time I am Katherine and I may not be fittycent but I can be twentyfivecent....Right Florence? Ok time to go get ready for church. I need some toast. Be blessed and remember; Who Loves you baby? I do and He does too.