Thursday, October 20, 2005

October Wind

The october wind is rustling outside and I am willing to bet this is the month where most mornings we all want to just linger a little bit longer under the covers. My sister in particular is finding the cold nights and windy days here in our lakeside Oswego a bit rougher. She of course has been in a slightly warmer climate for 10 months in Guatemala.
Tuesday at midnight I waited while the plane unloaded. She, being Mel was the last one down the gate, the only exit in the tiny hancock airport because she had to stop and use the bathroom. I waited there, alone and surrounded by people and excited to see her again as the rest of the plane unloaded. She is my sister and I love her and to be apart from her was strange. Things seem more normal when i have her crituques and her laugh. Oh the Mel laugh. I missed that.
I loaded her things into my car and she remarked how things never change, my car as messy as ever. We listened to music. She decided to drive. I dug out a pepsi for her and we drove back to my house catching up like it had been hours not months since we had been so close. When words are 50 cents a minute they somehow became more valuable and being with her now is priceless, especially as it seems God will take her away again to do his work. There is a value in today.
The last two days a flurry of coordination with her and my car and classes and work and it is all good. It of course makes the rest of the things go on the backburner which is also well and good. I am tired and on the same day she arrived the neurologist called because they had had a cancellation and could fit me in. I of course am an anomaly. The neurologist knows i am having migranes and can treat those but does not know what is causing the numbess. I had 6 vials of blood drawn and results will be in later this week. The first result, the general count, my sed rate is borderline high but could indicate anything. The tests run range from arthritis to lyme. Again I wait and begin yet another medicine. I will return to the neuro in 6 weeks unless there are abnormal test results.
I got my african american lit midterm back today and I recieved a 93. I am glad because I have been working hard in that class and I need to do well because my other english, narative theory is kicking my butt. I got in the seventies on the last essay and the class is full of more abstract thinking. I miss creative writing. I hate research and theory, but whoomp there it is.
What else is new. Ah photography is awesome. I spent like 5 hours developing pictures in the darkroom. I love that class although sometimes i feel like a bad episode of I love lucy with all the things i screw up. The artistic part i think i grasp, the techinical part, not so much.
On a run to the restroom today I ran into a janitor and he had made a sign which told people to return the things that they borrowed from the closet. Apparently this weekend his mop bucket went missing, he found it later in a classroom. I didn't actually run into him but he was in the hall leaning on his broom and staring into the closet. I talked with him for a minute and realized the sign looked like it could have been written by my father. The same scrolly scribally writing. He looked about dads age. I think sometimes those people who work at school in the cafeteria and the janitors and the bus drivers are sort of invisible but they shouldn't be. They play such an important role in the school but are rairely recognized or acknowledged. They are fathers and mothers and sisters and brothers and they work to support their family but unless something is broken, the bus is late, something has spilled we don't see them at all.
Well I had better wrap this post up, as it is getting quite lengthy. Here is hoping your home is blessed with the warmth of the fathers love and peace of knowing who you are because of who He is. Shalom.


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