Thursday, October 13, 2005

Some people think that they are not responsible when they offend other people. The other person is because they have recieved the offense. I think what someone says to you is powerful. You can choose to not be offended but the person is still responsible for their words.
If someone swore at you and then walked off and you chose to not be offended would that still not be a sin for them?Of course it would be. Is it different if they offend you unintentionally? We need to know each other and be gracious with one another. If we think that our words don't matter because the other person always has the choice to be offended or not we are decieved.

God wants us to edify one another and if our speech isn't building up then it is breaking down. The response others have to what you say is important because it is the whole point to conversation> If talking were just about being heard and not listening then that would be ok but talking is about a give and take and we need to know one another and we need to pray for wisdom in our interactions when we don't know.

I guess i am just tired of this idea that if a person has been hurt it is their fault because they allowed themselves to be offended. That negates the other persons responsibility. That is a half truth. We can always choose to not let things bother us but it is not wrong when things do. It is mature to come to someone and be honest about things when they have been hurting us because otherwise we give satan a foothold. Of course if you are the offender it is easier to have the notion that the offended is too sensitive and is wasting their time. If you are always on the offensive you never have to get defensive and you don't really understand what their problem is. If we don't come to one another and just let things go then the offender can just continue without consequence, he will be blissfully unaware that he is hurting others. I don't think that is a way that one should live.

Maybe you don't agree with me...maybe you do..i dunno..i guess i was just tired of sitting on this..i will be home for a few days and without the can always call...
until then be blessed


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