My Mom: "I didn't know they had Italian Tuna", My dad "Yeah, instead of Sorry Charlie" it's "Scuzi Twito"

Today my Grandma and I watched "pimp my ride". She told me about how she used to have the same car that was featured on the episode, a Ford Escort. Mel was there too. Mel and I also made a trip to the mall, Joanne Fabrics, TJ Maxx and Cracker Barrel. Grandma's house was the most fun by far.
I had my recheck at the stomach doctor today. The appointment went well except for the 30 minute wait. There was also a really lame selection of reading material. Who reads the New Yorker? Actually I probably should, my non fiction teacher is always spouting about it and getting published and all that but I was looking for something a little more comforting, say, the new People magazine.
I did some holiday goody giving today. The sweets are overpopulating the house. I have gained a third of the weight back that I lost when I was sick and it doesn't surprise me. We played honeymoon rummy tonight. I won. Mom and Dad took second and third and Mel was in last place or at least she was when she ditched us and went to bed. i don't blame her though. She stayed up till 5:30 last night reading a book then slept till 12:30. I didn't know what to think when she didn't get up this morning. She ussually never sleeps in unless she is ill. She blames me for making her watch Chasing Liberty last night. She says if she hadn't been up watching that then she wouldn't have started reading. Oh well.
Tommorow is the wrapstavaganza for my aunt laurie. I have been the willing gift wrapper for the last maybe 5 years at least. I wrap usually for about 3 hours. It is a good way to make a few extra Christmas bucks. She is always very generous plus I get to check out all the cool toys that my four cousins are getting. Last year the creepiest was aET doll with a glowing finger. I wrapped that first.
I am sleepy so I think I will stop this post here. Hope all is well with you and those of you who can are enjoying a nice break from your studies or work or both.

Adventures in an Oswego Grad...is anyone a little cold?

Happy Grad !

Congrats Mel !

This guy graduated too, whoever he is :)
Last Night
Well it is my last night in Oswego for a month. My parents came up today for Mels grad which was great. Mike and Janet came up too. A bonus was the fact that lots of my stuff headed north without me this afternoon. We had grad in the morning then we went out to dinner at Canalies and back to the greuts for awhile then Mel and i hung out for awhile then she and I met at my place. Tia came over too. The more I get to know that girl the more I know I like her. We played cards. Tia won. Mel kept saying how nice my room looked. I kept telling her it was cause I have nothing here. She was all like; maybe you should give some stuff away. I am begining to see things her way, maybe. Especially the part where I am tired of carting so much stuff around. I digress. Anyways I should prolly be getting ready to hit the hey. Last Night in my comfy brass double bed. I am a little bit sad...but maybe not to much. Maybe God has lifted some grace. I dunno. Oh well nothing is for sure tonight.
packing up
Well i am packing up to move home for january. I am not all that excited except for the reason that i will be school free for a month. I have a big decision to make concerning next semester and would appreciate any prayers you can throw my way for that. God has been lifting the grace in some situations and causing me to rethink them. He is always stretching me and making me think. Anyways. I am not real thrilled about packing up. I lothe it actually. Oh well.
Mel is graduating tommorow. I am so exxcited for her and excited about her trip to Guatemala. I am really going to miss her though. Thinking about that is really hard. I know that we will stay in close contact though. This will be the longest we have ever been apart though. It will be weird to be in Oswego without her.
Well my rice a roni is prolly done. I will write more later.
Hmm a post...imagine that
Ok well I haven't posted in awhile but I have been getting some flack so here goes nothing...
I have been doing a lot of schoolwork and also on occasion some procrastination.
Last night I babysat for some kids from our church. The youngest of the four boys are preschool age identical twins. They are so adorable it is almost too much for me. They have two beds but choose to sleep in one bed side by side. I just want to eat them up. I get to watch them again friday night.
Tuesday I was on the worship team for our worship night which was awesome. I also invited a girl who I met waiting for my ice cream at cooper. She showed up and was blessed and that was cool. She is on the dance team at school and I think it is awesome how God allowed me to bless her. Anyways. The basic Christmas party is saturday night I can't wait. I only have one more day of dance and math tommorow then I am done with all my classes except finals.
My dad could use your prayers he needs a job..the one he thought he had fell through.
I can't believe christmas is 16 days away CRAZY! Seems like just yesterday I was diapering michelle on the island...oh how time flies. I could use some snow I think that would help drive the point home. Anyways I had better get ready for school. My two english classes cancelled our last class because we were done so I only have dance today. English rocks :)