Friday, December 17, 2004

packing up

Well i am packing up to move home for january. I am not all that excited except for the reason that i will be school free for a month. I have a big decision to make concerning next semester and would appreciate any prayers you can throw my way for that. God has been lifting the grace in some situations and causing me to rethink them. He is always stretching me and making me think. Anyways. I am not real thrilled about packing up. I lothe it actually. Oh well.
Mel is graduating tommorow. I am so exxcited for her and excited about her trip to Guatemala. I am really going to miss her though. Thinking about that is really hard. I know that we will stay in close contact though. This will be the longest we have ever been apart though. It will be weird to be in Oswego without her.
Well my rice a roni is prolly done. I will write more later.


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