Happy 20th Birthday Jon !!
Post 99
Last week I went to the eye doctor and decided to finally spend the big bucks and get contacts again. My glasses have served me well and I will still use them but seeing things through my new lenses has served a purpose of lending me a new persepective.
I thought my glasses with their thick scratched up lenses were fine ...but now as I look through my daily disposables I wonder what I was thinking not doing this months ago. Things are so much clearer now.
Things have been clearing up in a lot of ways for me lately. I stopped taking my allergy medicine and came out of the fog it was putting me in. I have been trying to relax more and not take myself so seriously. I have been talking to friends who have been encouraging me in so many ways.
I have been seeking healing in so many areas of my life and it seems as quick as I figure things out it begins to again seem overwhelming but I have faith that in the end all that matters is what God thinks of me and his love for me is not based on how well I think I am doing or how good I can behave. His love is abba father love, not conditioned in works.
So my popcorn chicken is done and I need to go eat that and get on with the rest of my day off. I hope this post finds everyone well and that in whatever way you need healing big or small you too will allow the Lord to work it all out.
Let Go and Let God :) Shalom.... Kate
She works hard for her money...so hard....(maybe not hard..but for sure all the time)
The top ten things I have been asked at work
10. Is the wind always this strong? (umm..no not always..it is nice when it is 80 degrees)
09. What's that smell? (seaweed)
08. What's wrong with the cable on my site? (we are working on fixing it)
07. How far to the nearest..Grocery store..Liquor store...Diesel gas station?
06. How far is the island from ...Washington..Albany..Niagara falls..Alex bay..Watertown?
05. Is that Joons daughter? (Yes)
04. Are you Joon's wife? (Silently chuckles..Nope she is in the back office, I just work here)
03. I have to wear what? (a bracelet) What? Is this a rock concert?(no we are just trying to keep track of our many guests over the holiday weekend) Can I put this anywhere? How about on my *#%**?
02. (As I balance the baby and ring up ice cream on the cash register) Is their anything you don't do?( umm drugs?)
01. Is that the Atlantic Ocean? (No sir, that is Lake Ontario)
Today we have 118 RVs Arriving for the holiday weekend..Ahem..AHHHHHHHHHHHHH...The altinator went on my moms car and she just got it back less then a week and 200 dollars ago from the garage..Dad is on yet another quest for steady employment...And I haven't had a day off or less then an eight hour day in one week...my knee aches...However it will be ok..I am confident of this very thing as Paul said "I am greatly encouraged, in all our troubles my joy knows no bounds"
Peace to you all-