Tuesday, April 27, 2004

It's a job that's never started that takes the longest to finish-J.R.R Tolkien

Ok just over two weeks left to the semester. I can hardly believe all that has happened and all the ways I have grown since January!! I give God all the glory for everything. I have so much to do in the next two weeks I can hardly begin plus I have been working every weekend non stop so that has been a tad stressful. It will be ok.
So I hope that everyone else is dealing with the stress level ok. I think I am in a better place now then last summer cause I have the summer job thing all set and so that is helpful. Plus I already know where I am living next year and have scheduled my classes so, yeah that is good.

Ok Funny Story...
Today is my grandmas Birthday...Happy Birthday Grandma...
So my sister is on the phone with her and she is like...Yeah I was sweeping and the cat jumped on the broom
My sister is like OKAY Grandma but assuming either Grandma is a little off her rocker or that she must be talking about my cousin Patrick (pat) but she listens and then later she prepares to tell me of the conversation about how poor grandma is off her rocker...So I listen

And then I laugh...MEL Aunt Janet gave Grandma a cat two weeks ago.
Really? She says.
Ohhh well then I guess that makes sense..How come no one ever tells me anything?

So yeah I thought that was pretty funny

Ok So...Bonus Props to Jason for helping me with the whole circumference Area Fiasco dilemma
A Girl Named Carrie who might be transferring here next semester (if you are reading this it is only the beginning...God is gonna bless you girl)
Catie for Getting excited about my cookies after her nap and IMing me to tell me
Liz ..Just because .....Djere...Ditto
Grandma...For being so cute and cause its her birthday

By the way the move has been postponed till finals week for all of you I told that to...

What else...Oh yeah so I got my aid package for next semester..And it rocks and my schedule rocks too...Just in case you were wondering...Creative non fiction, Dance, Computer, Chem 300, Met, and some cultural literature class 9 thirty to 4ish tue thu and 11:30 - 1:30 ish on MWF with a comp lab W afternoon...

So Kids I had better go do the dishes and get ready for basic and I need to finish reading a book....


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