Thursday, April 15, 2004

Star Girl

So I have decided to post here again...

I come here and I post. In some ways, although I love encouragement, I know what I post here is for me and not so much for anyone else. What I document here is my journey. My thoughts are given a voice. That is what I love about my blog. I have a voice. My voice is not always the same but it is always distinctely mine and mine alone.

So what makes up this desire in me to post? I have thoughts that should be heard. It isn't imperitive that I know who reads them or that they have an audiance so much as I have liberated them from my mind to the written word. What is written is in someways more tangible, more real.

What is real to me today? Today as I just finished an excellent juvenile fiction book called Stargirl I was forced to ask myself real questions about acceptance and what the worth of that is. The book made me really question if I was living my life based on these notions of what was acceptable and where my worth lies. In the book the main character is confronted with these issues when he meets this girl who is "Stargirl". A new student who was homeschooled in the past, she cheers for both teams at basketball games, she plays her ukelele at lunch to anyone who is having a birthday. She doesn't seem to notice the set norms of the high school. So I really enjoyed the book, read it in one day and it is on my mind. *********

"She was elusive. She was today. She was tommorow. She was the faintest scent of the cactus flower, the flitting shadow of an elf owl. We did not know what to make of her. In our minds we tried to pin her to corkboard like a butterfly, but the pin merely went through and away she flew."-Jerry Spinelli, Star Girl


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