Thursday, April 08, 2004

Happy Birthday Mike!

I am going to devote this post to the Man who is 29 years old today. Yes folks my brother is 1 year away from being 30 years old. My mom however still remembers vividly the day he was born. "24 Hours!" she said to me this morning as she recounted the labor to bring him into this world. To her he will in someways always be that baby full of possibilities miraculously brought into this earth with his cord wrapped around him.
As Mike grew he gained a sister and then another sister( that's me) and he learned a few important lessons. One of those lesson was if you tell things to your little sisters they will believe you, even if you are talking out of your butt. Eventually Mel and later I would figure this out and say "You're making that up!" and Mike would laugh.
Mike has made many of my birthday's memorable. I remember one birthday in particular where he mailed me a package as he was away at college. It was a very large postal envelope and it was full of M&M's. The trick was it was many types of M&M's and they were no longer in their bags. This was a few years ago when they had Peanut butter M&M's and Mint M&M's also plain and peanut. It was like an Candy Treasure hunt.
Many of you know all about Mel because we live in the same house and so it is easy for me to talk about her or she is just around but my brother lives in Rochester. He is a full fledged grownup. Yup he went to school, married the red-haired fellow houghtonite Janet and now he has a "real job". They have bought a house now too further establishing their credibility as grown ups. I however have maintained my Peter Pan status here in Oswego. Everytime I go in for advisement it seems my goal of being a grown-up is delayed just a wee bit longer. I don't mind a bit.

So Happy Birthday Big Brother Mike! I will see you Saturday and I expect that you will be able to enlighten me with lots of "Grown Up" wisdom. I promise not to tell if I know you are talking out your booty.

"I won't grow up.
Not a penny will I pinch.
I will never grow a mustache,
Or a fraction of an inch.
'Cause growing up is awfuller
Than all the awful things that ever were.
I'll never grow up, never grow up, never grow up,
No sir,
Not I,
Not me,
So there!"-Peter Pan and the Lost Boys


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