Sunday, April 18, 2004

The coat

And just like that it was gone. The days of snowflakes flying had left her as quick as they had come. She was on the threshold of warmer nights. Nights not spent overwhelmed with assignments and thoughts of school. Nights spent with family. Days spent lovin on her girls.

As she sang in church that morning it hit her. Had they all real grown so much when she wasn't looking? They seemed to grow so fast. Of course they were not hers in all ways but she had opened her heart to them just the same. These were the ones who had grown like little sisters to her. When they saw her they ran and when she scooped them up it was then that she knew she was home. Oh how they had grown!

It seemed just as the seasons were changing so had things she thought was important. When the flakes were flying she had tried new things. It was strange at first but she grew to accept and embrace those things which were new. It was not all new, simply like a jacket put away for awhile and brought back out for the season. It served a purpose but still felt heavier then she had remembered it. Soon she grew accustomed to the coat and embraced it's purpose.

Now it seemed with the new season that she would have to set the coat aside for awhile and remember what it was like to walk without it protecting her from the elements. She didn't want to have to put the coat away because she had grown accustomed to it but she knew as the nights grew warmer the coat would do more harm then good. Still she wondered how she would deal without the coat. Of course on the same breath there were times when the coat did nothing but confuse her. At times it was too warm, the zipper stuck and other times it seemed it did nothing to protect her from the elements, she knew she was worse off without it but she wished she didn't need it at all. She knew that was foolish but it was how she felt not necessarily what she believed to be true.

On some level she loved the coat but in some ways she had learned to depend on the coat, staying out in the cold rather then doing what was right and coming inside. It was a hard lesson to learn because the coat at times had really helped her out. Soon she knew it would be time to let go off the coat and let the warm breeze blow over her bare arms. Only by being vulnerable would she learn when she really needed the coat. She had made up her mind, it was time.

Acts 2
1When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place. 2Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting. 3They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them.


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