Thursday, May 06, 2004

Drugs are BAD KIDS...The story of one bad nights sleep gone horribly wrong

OK so Sunday I came home from school with an armload of books and planned to study and work on projects and all that good stuff...

So around 11 I was tired but a little stressed so I took a muscle relaxer that my doctor had given to me to help me sleep..

Ok the rest of the nights events are a little blurry but the synopsis is the medicine didn't help me sleep and made me unable to function in a normal human sound mind way. At close to 5 am my sister drove me to the ER where they prescribed medicine to help me relax assuming I was having a panic attack. I being the good girl that I am took the medicine for two days three times a day. The meds made me a zombie and unable to eat, with nausea. Not eating made the meds which I realize now I was suffering a very bad reaction to stay in my system. Tuesday night I felt God telling me to stop taking the medicine despite the doctors advice that the medicine couldn't make me feel that way..It was anxiety not a reaction to the meds but if I wanted to stop no one could make me take them. I spent most of Wednesday in a trance, operating a motor vehicle while my eyes spasmed and unable to function or still eat but last night the medicine finally began to wear off and this morning I feel 100 percent better. What have we learned? Drugs are bad. Listening to your body is good. God was gracious as I did not crash my car yesterday when I had no business operating a vehicle. So yeah now that I am feeling better I am going to have to go about the business of catching up school work and taking some incompletes but it is all good. I want to thank all of you who prayed. I am going to be home with the parents for most of the day. Mel's birthday is today and I will post about that later.

'Then he said to her, 'Daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace.'"
Luke 8:48


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