Tuesday, May 04, 2004

Boat Metaphor

Ok I had this thought today..
Jesus is in a boat with all the great Christians who have come before. The boat is enormous and full to capacity. You have gone swimming and you have found that you have gone out too deep. The current is to stong for you to swim. You are caught up and see no escape. There is a shark around you whispering "Save yourself, you can do it on your own". Jesus Calls to you from the boat and you see him. He asks "Will you accept my help?" You think as the waves crash over your head. You call back "Yes Jesus I accept it" Jesus gets out of the boat and gives you his seat. You watch Jesus bear the suffering of the shark and the waters. He is dying. He washes up on shore and they bury him. You think it was my getting out to far that killed him. Days later you are weeping on the shores of the water and he sees you and calls to you. He is alive. You realize he died for you but he also overcame death for you. He was not simply a martyr but a risen savior. He died not only so you would live but also for anyone who answer him and get on the boat.


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