Friday, January 30, 2004

A State of Emergency...But don't call it a blizzard

Day two of the snow which has no end.....

They have declared a state of emergency here in Oswego. My sister posed a good is it there is a state of emergency but we can't call it a blizzard? What is the qualification for a blizzard? Over four feet in less that two days certainly seems like a blizzard to me.

It is early here. I went to bed in anticipation of getting up early to shovel the car out and so when my sister came in to tell me classes were cancelled I got up and have been awake ever since. She says I am too loud in the morning. She says I am way too awake . I have decided I have no in between speed. I am either awake or asleep. I can't help but have a child like giddiness about our second snow day in a row. This is unprecedented!!

The flip side to the giddiness is the reality of how long it will take all this snow to melt and how long it will take to clean off the car. Six foot snow banks also make for interesting driving to say the least. This is the price we pay for living next to lake Ontario. The weatherman said when describing this storm that we were "under the gun" I remember thinking that was a little harsh but now I understand what he was saying.
Well I had better start my day...or at least change into clean pajamas....

When do you know it has snowed too much????......When the snowmobilers say there is too much snow!!!!

Thursday, January 29, 2004

If you're happy and you know it GRAB A SHOVEL and give me a hand

So I am writing you all from the comfort of my bedroom. The beautiful ancient radiators are the nice thing about living in a building that is probably older then my grandmother. It is sub tropic in my bedroom and ...What is the best way to put it? MMM brutal outside.
I started classes on Monday and today, Thursday, classes were cancelled. I found out after 6 but was so excited I never went back to sleep. How disappointing! While the snow is continuing to bury the car (3 feet and counting) I am happy for the opportunity to share my thoughts with you...The masses from the comfort of my room as roadrunner was installed today(yeah cable guys who braved the weather)

Sunday I had my 24th birthday. It was great. My friend "Hollywood" (as I like to call her )took me out for lunch after church. Then 8 of my closest friends and I went bowling and I scored over one hundred in my second game. Everyone laughed at my form which involves a skip..It is really unexplainable but apparently funny....I can't see myself bowl so I can't say how I feel about it. Halfway thru my parents showed up, an hours drive, and surprised me. I cried. Nothing like a good birthday cry to let you know you are loved :)
Bowling was followed by cake and cards and homeade hummus....mmm hummus....I love it..Thank you Mel.
The excitement of my birthday was great but of course Monday reality hit as I sat thru the marathon 5 classes I am times. Actually I think I am going to like this semester, I am just going to be doing a lot of reading....
I will also be working from home starting next week. My boss is setting me up with a home office of sorts, which should be good if I don't turn into a total hermit. I can see it squirreled up in my bedroom with the glow of the computer monitor reflecting against my glasses...My sister calling to me in the distance "Katherine....Are you ever coming out!!?"
I digress....I am excited about that ...In some ways scared..Thinking..When did I become a grown up with responsibilities and obligations? Still grateful I won't have to commute an hour both ways 4 times a week to the office.
Well I guess that is it from my very snowy corner of the world...It is weather like this that makes me grateful my door opens in and not out.
Stay warm my friends...Stay warm!!

Saturday, January 24, 2004

Jellied Teddies

Tonight I was in the supermarket with my bosses family. I have spent the last two weeks with them. I have been taking reservations for the island and working on a mass mailing to our customers. Next week I get to learn quick books. I am soo excited.
Daniel, Age 4, is in the cart and he says "You know Jellied Teddies, MMM" He rubs his stomach and continues "They are soo Mushy and Tushy".I think we have been hanging out too much because then I said "Do you mean Gummy Bears?" and he says "Yeah Gummy Bears!"
Later we return home....Daniel is on the couch and I am watching "who's line" and upon seeing Wayne Brady he remarks.."Hey that guy is everywhere, he is even on Seseme Street!"
I am sad that tommorow I am going back home as I have had a lot of fun with Daniel..AKA Skippy Peanut Butter I will also miss Michelle who is 15 months and 19 and a half pounds of total attitude.( I won't miss her screaming at 1 AM). I have taken a liking to tickle toturing her and putting her hair up in those little fountain ponytails and holding her while she sleeps.
I will miss Nikki and her great cooking...Korean BBQ and Fried Tofu..MMMM .
I will miss Joon and his stories of the great buffets from their Vegas days (he once ate 7 lobsters, he was hired as a pizza delivery guy and he had no car) But like all fun it must come to an end and we will have the summer and college starts monday.

Ok So I was playing with Michelles Hokey pokey Elmo yesterday and she knocked it over and it says"Whoopsees, Can you help Elmo up please?" and when you do then it says "Thank you ha ha ha" So of course this was quite amuzing and I proceeded to knock it over again and again.

My boss and I both will celebrate our Birthday Sunday. I think that is pretty cool. He is going to be forty and I will be 24. We celebrated with sushi at the chinese buffet tonight. I had a lot of fun.
Well my laundry just buzzed ...I will leave you all with Daniels words of Wisdom "Jellied Teddies they are so Mushy and Tushy" Goodnight

Saturday, January 03, 2004


I have been thinking about kites. You see kites are really fascinating. Kites are required to have three things to work; wind, tension and someone to give them flight. I think we could learn a lot about life from kites.

If you don't allow a kite to catch the direction of the wind it will crash. It will probably fly again. But only if it finds the direction of the wind. What does wind remind me of in life? I think it most reminds me of the will of God. It is this force which is invisible but at the same time the effect of it is seen all around. If you are unable to see the effect of the wind, deny it is there you are not any less effected; that would be a fruitless pursuit. The sooner you allow yourself to accept the true power of the wind the sooner you will be able to succeed.

If a kite does not have someone or something to provide tension it will soon come crashing down. How many of us in our lives want to escape all troubles and deny that we have any problems? Again look to the kite. The kite needs its string tight to soar. A little tension is a good thing. Without tension the kite will not succeed.

Look to the person flying the kite. The kite would be grounded without that person. I believe that person to be the ones who support our dreams and encourage us and pray for us. They are the mentors who have run ahead and already navigated the trees and telephone poles. They are the ones who pray for us and remain unseen the higher we soar. They are content to stay behind and simply gasp at the way that the wind (God) has allowed us to take-off and soar. They are grateful just to have been a part of our success.