To you I give my life
Not just the parts
I want to
To You I sacrifice
These dreams that I hold onto
Your thoughts are higher than mine
Your words are deeper than mine
Your love is stronger than mine
This is no sacrifice,
here's my life
To You I give the gifts
Your love has given me
How can I hoard the treasures
That You designed for free?
To You I give my future
As long as it may last
To You I give my present
To You I give my past
Jason Upton-No Sacrifice
Been a long week. Some parts which aren't fit to print. Basicly this is the truth of this week. Give it up to him cause holding on is fruitless. Give it all to him.
Christmas was good. I am very blessed. I got a new printer/scanner/copier cause i haven't had a printer since my hand-me-down ink jet broke in september and a cool bag and earings from Guatemala (they are the white nun orchid) and I got DVDS of the West Wing and fun soap and glittery stuff. That was just icing though. Jesus is the bread and the cake of life. The truth of that is all I needed and now i have all the things i could want. Merry Christmas Everyone.
Feels Like Home
Sunday, December 25, 2005
Friday, December 16, 2005

Today I went to see Chronicles of Narnia with my sister. Although I am generally well read with most childrens stories this is a book which i have never read entirely. I have heard many different reviews concerning the movie. I think it is something everyone should experience in the theatre. That being said I am going to talk about not the movie but how the movie was what I needed to see. How it was an encouragement to me.
You see in the movie satan is personified by the White Witch. What the white witch wants to do is destroy the prophesy and maintain power and she will do whatever she can to achieve that. Mostly what she does is decieve anyone who will listen. As children of God we must be ever watchful to not listen to those lies. Edmund desires to be happy and he is frustrated and so he listens to her and it lands him in a lot of trouble.

What stuck me most was the scene after the sacrifice was made and after the White Witch was defeated when Aslan is crowning the children, his children, and they are reigning with him. You see these children came to a place they did not understand and they wanted to give up but they didn't. They were homeless and parentless and Aslan adopted them and gave them a purpose greater then anything they had ever imagined. It didn't make sense the things that they were doing but they chose to do them. He used them, even Edmund who had not been perfect. He allowed them to be a part of fufilling something greater then themselves.
It is that message, that if we begin to shut out the lies of the white witch and with boldness take up our armor we can defeat whatever evil lies all around us. It is to late to go back, we must press on and when we need it Aslan will defend us. He has already sacrificed for our salvation. He doesn't want us because we are perfect but simply because he has chosen us.
He has chosen us to be His.

Ephesians 1:4-6 (New International Version)
4 For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight. In love 5 he predestined us to be adopted as his sons through Jesus Christ, inaccordance with his pleasure and will— 6 to the praise of his glorious grace, which he has freely given us in the One he loves.

My prayer tonight is we remember who we are: Sons and Daughters of the King. It might get tough in the days to come but if we remember who we belong to no evil is to great to overcome.
Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Sometimes the truth of God's word knocks us out of the boat. We right ourselves, climb back in and learn to negotiate with the truth. It is what drives our boat. The truth is the only way we will get anywhere. Without the truth we are lying on our bellies frantically trying to get anywhere. When we tap into the power of the truth not only are we finally getting somewhere but we are making a wake. We have an effect on everything.
Let us therefore be truth seekers. Let us find the wind of Gods word and learn how best to negotiate with it. To grasp it's full power and learn to duck when things change. Change will no longer knock us to the water but we will ride out the storms and the challenges and be the ones who finish strong, not those belly flapping because learning to sail was just too hard.