Tuesday, March 23, 2004

The Door Metaphor

Sometimes you open the door and it gets slammed in your face. You think it is a fluke so you open it again. Every time you open it ....SLAM. After awhile you stop opening the door. The people in your life are faint shouts from the outside. You can't remember how it was that the door opened. The hinges are rusted, and the door is hanging useless on its frame.

Then one day someone knocks on the door then they stick their hand through the mail slot. They make you laugh. They aren't threatening. They offer a friendly gesture. You force the door open and allow them in. It is harder then you remembered, the door opening. Part of you wants to run to another part of the house and hide behind the closet door. Part of you wants to push them back out the door.

Then somehow something within you allows this person to change you. Maybe it isn't even the person so much as the One who directed the person to you. Slowly you forget the days of the SLAM. Pretty soon you walk out the door and begin to knock on the other doors too. You realize why you were given 4 walls and a door, not just 4 walls.


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