So yesterday a woman contacted me because she had seen my profile on Christiananny.net. She had e-mailed me last week to see if I was interested in a position with her family and I politely e-mailed her saying I didn't think it would work out but if she were willing to hire me temporarily with the understanding I had to go back to student teaching in the fall then I could take the position. Around a week passed and I was making the plans to go to Opelika, holding that in the back of my head but not expecting to hear anything. Walking to work at Kroger or the Sonic Burger for the summer with the option to see the boy maybe three times. Then while I am on the phone with the boy yesterday she broke in.
"Sweetie that's the call waiting, i think it might be Mel, I will call you back."
To make a long story short, new job, 3 girls, swimming pool,free private accomadations and meals, weekends off, 45 minutes from the boy, sweet salary, Tampa Bay, option to come back in January after I finish my degree, God is soooooo good. I may make it to Disney World yet.
Deuteronomy 10:21 He is your praise; he is your God, who performed for you those great and awesome wonders you saw with your own eyes.
Stars Fell on Alabama
So in the last week a lot of things have changed and in just over a week from now I will be getting on a plane to return sooner than I thought to Opelika. Opelika, home of the Sweets, in Alabama, just beyond the Chatahochee river. Yup. Thanks to the graciousness of God and the parents of my boyfriend I am having another great adventure. I don't know much but I know when God tells you go, you go. So hopefully and prayerfully hopefully I will soon acquire a job for the remander of the summer.
The advantages being that I will get to see more of the boy then if I stay. Also free room and board. Alabama summers are also really beautiful I hear and there is only one way to find out for myself. My distaste for hot weather will hopefully be overcome by the fact that pretty much every building in Opelika has central air conditioning. In fact if anything I may spend most of my summer being too cold instead of too hot.
The only things that are not good about leaving is missing Mel when she comes to visit from Guatemala and also missing my friend Heathers wedding. I am bummed about it but I know they both will understand. Every door I tried to open here this summer got shut and I feel a peace and a calling to Opelika this summer.
So prayers would be cool and I will see most of you again in the fall, till then you can find me in the Sweet Home Alabama
The problem with having a really good trip is that when you return everyone knows you have been away. They are inclined to ask, "How was your trip?"
This is the portion of the conversation that stumps me. You see people don't want to spend 4 hours listening to how my trip was. My trip was so good in fact, four hours wouldn't really suffice anyways. So I mumble, really good, yeah. Then I divert to whatever I need to. It isn't that difficult, people enjoy talking about themselves. The other problem being, I have a really hard time talking about it because I wish it were still going on. The goodness of that, combined with the frustration of where I am right now makes me a little emotionally overwhelmed.
The trip of course has put me in a place of further understanding. I just, I know more now then I did before I left. I really feel like I see what God has planned, a small piece, and right now it is hard to not grow impatient as I walk out this particular piece. The piece that is states and states away from the Boy because I see the other pieces, if not entirely cleary, enough to desire for them.
Phil's parents, his sister and brother-in-law were awesome. They really made me feel at home. I can hardly describe how amazing it was being there and feeling for the first time in a long time that I really belonged somewhere even being in a place I had never been before. They are just truly a family that walks out;
Romans 12:12. Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. 13Share with God's people who are in need. Practice hospitality.
I will be continuing to pray for where Phil will be when his internship is done. I have one semester left at Oswego. He desires to find a job here in NY or wherever the Lord leads him at the end of the summer. He would of course prefer to be close to me, as I would prefer that myself.
Anyways I had better go get ready for the day.
Peace be with you all
Ah, the Boy

I Miss Him !