"ummm It's my birthday, and I have a boyfriend"

It is early, the first day of school, I should be getting ready for my nine o clock class. Here goes a quick post anyways. Yesterday was my 26th birthday. I have had a lot of fun birthdays in my lifetime but if I were to pick one this goes right up their with the one where I came into the world and my parents had been told I was a boy right up until I was there. SURPRISE.
This birthday began while I was on the phone with Phil. As an early present he had me check my e-mail and he had sent me an MP3 of him singing a song he wrote called sketches. Then my housemate interrupted our call at some point to share my early gifts, a candle, a movie, some candy and a whoopie cushion.
Then back to phil. Somewhere around midnight my ability to converse went downhill and the conversation after he read me a chapter in "The lion, the witch and the wardrobe" which we are reading to each other went kinda like this.....Me-"It's my birthday, and I have a boyfriend"...Phil-"yes" ..Me-"No, but, it's my birthday and I have a boyfriend" This is a statement which I would repeat throughout the day. So yes I tried to sleep while thoughts of other surprises danced in my head after we prayed for one another and hung up. I woke up mad early and found 3 more phil songs, one of which had this line "If you wanted to dream, I would sing you to sleep" which was in my head all day long. The I checked the boy's blog. At this point I could have gone back to bed, my birthday done and I would have been fabulously content. Instead I got dressed and went to work, well watching andrew or "work". The baby is learning to crawl, has an ear infection, cutting teeth, despite all that he was so happy and flirty. Hung out a couple hours and the last hour he slept and i watched some gilmore girls while i held him. No complaints.
Lauren took me to colemans for lunch. The food was delicious. I had some kinda puffed pastry with creamy chicken and mushroom stuff and we split a dessert. I cashed a birthday check from my mom and went to JC penneys and found jeans that fit me perfectly and they were on clearance for less then ten dollars. I also found a nice dress shirt, the kind that is machine wash and is wrinkle resistant for less then ten also. I had my birthday outfit/first day of school pants and went home. My housemates were all here, moved back for the semester. I could have ended the day there, but more fun was to come.
I went out and checked the mail, I would find later Phil had sent something, I expect it today...crazy. So anyways hung out for a bit then headed over to Meghans for more fun. Jen and Catie came over and they were all like "What BOY?" Yeah and I was all like "it's my birthday, and I have a boyfriend" Then Jon and Lisa, Carrie and Heather came in, and Tia was there too. A full house of blessings of my friends. We had cake and just as they were leaving I got Alicia who was done with her RA crap. We picked up Subway and brought it back to Meghans and feasted. We hung out for awhile and I took my Alicia home saying goodbye to my Meghan. The boy was in orlando so he would call late, especially having missed his exit, eating in my ear and telling me of his filming a confrence and chik-fillet and I would fill him in the best I could on the birthday fun.
I still have bowling with heather H and my package from phil so I should still have some more celebrating as the week goes on. It was trully special though. Thanks everyone.
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