For Mel: Last summer of the island the weekend of the regatta

For Mel: Last Summer from the island

The sun does shine in Oswego !

I heart the outback steakhouse and Alicia

Goodyear greece..they fixed my broken brake line

Mike is getting schooled in soccer by a two year old (just kidding)

Hockey is made more enjoyable with a baby

If you have to get up at 7 to make church on your way home from rochester this makes it worth it
worship the Father according to the truth
Hello Everyone..
Has been a little while since I posted. Been busy busy as usual which is nice.
OK Fabulous news. I have a new summer job working at a camp for the summer. I am going to be coordinating evening and weekly activities for 13-15 yrs olds and am so excited.
Mel called last night. I miss that girl so much. Her birthday is in a few weeks and i am hoping to send her something cool. She is enjoying guatemala very much although sometimes living in a large group setting is stressful. I think that she will enjoy hot showers so much though when she returns.
My brothers birthday is in a week also. He is going to be 30. Which in turn makes me mad old too. So Happy Birthday Mike, your MAD OLD. HA HA HA HA HA . Just Kidding, I love you.
The BASIC confrence is this weekend. It should be awesome. I would say more but i think that about sums that up.
I have a math test at 9:50 and am meeting someone to study in about 45 minutes. I am up way too early.
Oh easter was good. The saturday before we had dinner, minus my bro cause he was sick :( but with my friends esther and jon and so that was cool. We had a turkey I made with fresh herbs and butter. I also made an excellent gravy with a white wine.
Last couple nights i have had fun hanging out. I went for a long walk with a friend wednesday cause i had to get out of the house. Last night I had a movie night here.
I got my hair chopped of again. It is so short. I LOVE it. So easy to manage. It is supposed to look how it looks when i first wake up, saves a step :)
Ok well i guess that is an adequate update, I was reading this verse the other day and it touched me, I will leave you with this;
John 4:23-24
23But a time is coming, and it is already here! Even now the true worshipers are being led by the Spirit to worship the Father according to the truth. These are the ones the Father is seeking to worship him. 24God is Spirit, and those who worship God must be led by the Spirit to worship him according to the truth.