"You catch more mice with honey then with peanut butter"-Me
So I am home again. Joy of all joys:) Seriously though it is good to be home and for a reason other then I am sick . My stomach has been recovering quite nicely since I stopped taking one of my meds which ironically was supposed to make my stomach better but was progressively making it worse. I have lost 11 pounds this month and like 20 since the semester started. Not entirely from being sick but also because I have been taking dance and eating with the tylers instead of wendys three times a week when I am too lazy to cook.
Mom made homeade cinnamon rolls this morning. They were so good not like those lame refridgerator canned ones which I despise.
My family celebrated my moms birthday last weekend and my sister in law janets birthday as well at a restaurant in the carousel mall. Mel and I have resolved to not enter that place on a weekend again until after Christmas. That place was a nut house.
What else is new? Well before I left Oswego I cleaned my room which is quite exciting. I have a ton of reading to catch up over break. I feel like I haven't talked to certain Basic people in forever but it seems the more I want to talk to them the more impossible it is to do just that. People always seem to be just going out the door involved in other things and what not. I try and not let it discourage me though. I am sure that if the friendships are what God wants he will bring them to pass in his timing and plan.
I keep having these dreams. Weird weird dreams. I think in part maybe that is why I want to talk to certain people. They could be just dreams, but what if they are more? What then? I don't know....Don't think anyone else has the answers either, but maybe, just maybe talking about them might help.
It is hard now, I know Mel will be leaving in less then two months and lately it has been easier to retreat to island living, me and God. But I know that he desires more of me. In part because of one dream in particular, but I don't know how to take the steps to get there yet. All in his good timing, all in good time.
Well that is it from my corner of the world. I hope my post finds you all well. Feel free to leave comments if you read this post. Sometimes I feel no fear in what I write here because in part I believe no one really reads it except my siblings. Feel free to prove me wrong and comment here.
Peace of Christ to you all.-Kate