Friday, September 03, 2004

Life as we know it

This morning I had an hour long breakfast which involved homeade bread and strawberry jam and decaf early grey tea with milk. It was shared with members of the new household I am a part of and also with a houseguest who shall remain anonymous. I love that it was before 7 and yet the house was already full of laughter and stories and joy. I love the way that even though I am not Home I am begining to feel very much "at home".

I am sitting in the library cafe enjoying my long lunch and mulling over the way that I am being stretched into this new place of belonging and also of taking and giving. Their is a beauty in the large family. Each bearing the load of responsibility and giving out so much in the way of unmeasurable genorosities. The hugs, the laughter, the offering to help, the routine of it all warms my heart in a way that the single apartement life cannot. It is such a blessing to have the simple things, not having to think about making dinner, clearing the table just once a week. Someone making me tea in the morning or seeing that I have all I need. I cannot express the way in which I know that God has prepared this place for me and I have such a peace about it.

On a less soap box note....Yesterday in dance class we did something called a primitive squat :)

I am going to see shrek 2 tonight at 10 and am so excited I love that movie

I bought west wing season 2 on dvd and am compleately addicted

My dad just got a new Job ...congrats Dad.

Mom and Dad Happy Anniversary and Happy Birthday Dad...Sorry I am so lame :)

Well I had better go get my grub on....


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