Tuesday, May 18, 2004

Dreams of a workin girl

I keep having dreams. This dream I had last night was similar to others I had a few weeks ago. I wonder if it means something or if it means nothing at all. It is hard to say. Maybe the dream itself is insignificant but the fact I remember it is because of something significant which perhaps triggered the dream. Hard tellin not knowin.

Today is my first day off in 5 days so I am pretty excited. Back to work tomorrow but not until 3 which isn't so bad. Yesterday I worked 12-8 but ended up staying an extra half hour because we had some very entertaining French men in the office and I couldn't help but be entertained. I enjoyed sleeping in this morning and not getting out of my PJ's until after noon.
Lately I have really been enjoying work. I don't like the drive out there..Soon I will be back at the parents for good so that will be resolved. But The work itself is pretty fun. We have new people in the office and so I like that they ask me questions and I actually know the answers and it is good to have help. Also since more people are getting trained in the office I can spend more time planning the resorts activities and playing with my bosses daughter which I would much rather do than take reservations. This week I got look into buying stuff for bingo.
Lately I have been taking my bosses daughter on long walks, she almost always falls asleep in the stroller. It is a sweet jogging stroller you can also tow behind a bike. It has huge bike tires so it is like nothing to push. When I am on my walks I always talk to our guests if they stop me. People on vacation are so relaxed and fun. It is good times.


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